CS:GO Zone csgozone
CS:GO Zone csgozone
30. dubna 2014
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QnA! #BitcoinMarketplace. Support, feedback, and more!
In this thread, we are giving all users the opportunity to leave as much feedback as possible towards the entire website.

Specifically, we're looking for feedback on the new Bitcoin Marketplace we are now offering

We want to hear from you, and gather all information together to see if there is something you guys think we should do to make the website more user friendly!

Should you want to ask something, feel free! I will try to answer as soon as possible :)
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Zobrazeno 111 z 11 komentářů
Is it possible to make it easier to retrieve items if you decide you don't want to sell?
What do you think needs to change about retrieving items ?
I don't understand why instead of just moving the "get screenshot" buttone to the left of the "get float button" you guys decided to just add another set of stickers, the only problem before was that SIH had their own way to show stickers and we couldn't get our screenshots with steam Wizard because they overlayed so the problem could easily been fixed by just moving the button to the left, now everytime I need to screenshot an item with stickers on the market I need to disable SIH, that's some poor decision making, or you just need to make your own version of SIH which you really shouldn't as SIH is unreplaceable.
SIH and Steam Wizard don't work together
WhiteNemo původně napsal:
SIH and Steam Wizard don't work together
Yes I know that but why screw over SIH and try to make another version when you already know nobody will stop using, why couldn't you just move the get screenshot button?
I understand your point, I'll let the developer answer that. :)
WhiteNemo původně napsal:
I understand your point, I'll let the developer answer that. :)
Thanks man! :)
hello ! i sell somme skins ,i withdraw my bitcoin but not received ,4 days pending...what time need wait for receive ?
The CSGOZONE website change my bitcoin wallet in a period of time ? i wanna know 'cuz i'm mining bitcoin for my wallet and i hope that the site doesn't change it.
Naposledy upravil Thiago :D; 24. čvn. 2017 v 14.55
Hello. I have problem with opening site. In 99% it show me error 500. Sometimes when i can open csgo zone I go to sing in trough steam and after i sing in it will show me error 500 again.
Sorry- its not about bitcoin marketplace but please help me. THANK YOU !
Оцору :steamfacepalm:
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Zobrazeno 111 z 11 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

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