TheMotionGaming MotionServer
TheMotionGaming MotionServer
27 July, 2015
United States 
All Announcements > Announcement Details

Staff Application

2 Rate up
Fastpandamods 3 Aug, 2015 @ 1:00am 
Fastpandamods 3 Aug, 2015 @ 12:57am 
CraziiAiir 30 Jul, 2015 @ 10:59pm 
Steam name:Lucky God

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96174469

Age: 12

Country: California

Time zone:Central

How active are you usually per day? 2 hours

How many hours do you have on Garry's mod?as much as i want

History never been kicked

Do you have any previous moderater experience? (If so, please provide links/refrences if available)yes in terraria

Server Information

Why do you want to become moderator? (2 or 5 Lines)
so i can help out the server and i want to do everything i can to make sure nobody breaks the rules

About you
i'm nice and kind and im fun in a way that the server isnt boring

What can you bring to the staff team? (3-4 Lines)
fun and serioud at the same time

Why do you believe you’re suited for this position? (At least 2 or 5 lines)
because it is my first time to be a moderator on garrys mod

Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?
in a team definitly
[TMG] FastMotion 27 Jul, 2015 @ 5:03pm 
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70478498

Age: 15

Country: Foulton

Time zone: +1 hour

How active are you usually per day? 5-6hours a day

How many hours do you have on Garry's mod? 1300

History i owned a sever

Do you have any previous moderater experience? (If so, please provide links/refrences if available)yes i owned a sever

Server Information Theinvotorygaming

Why do you want to become moderator?to help and so i can watch the sever and that everyone is having fun and so no arguing is not provided in this sever

About you i am nice and i dont like fighting so id like to help in any why possible :)

What can you bring to the staff team? well so no issuses go on i would respect all staffs including you and id love to help :p

Why do you believe you’re suited for this position? well i cant say that its becuase i have a sever id say its becuase i shawl help and not argue i will most surtently obay

Do you prefer to work alone or in a team? with a team