Stuck and bug!

Prostě jsem použil dálkovej ovladač v momentě kdy koza začala žrát trávu a stalo se tohle.

Při druhém pokusu jsem docílil dokonce tohoto.

Nějaká rada? Netuším jak dál.
Ultima modifica da CZ / SK; 5 lug 2023, ore 12:51
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Hmm…I don’t see a bug with the first image.
And in the second image, does that goat in the light not turn into a chair? Or maybe you just took that screenshot a second before it does?

Hmm…I’m not sure how to give you a hint here without spoiling the puzzle. Perhaps to remind you that the goats will always run away from you if they’re not cornered and have somewhere to escape to, and also to keep in mind that there is, of course, a way to stand directly beside the goat and not be killed, at least temporarily. :)
Ultima modifica da Lamkin; 5 lug 2023, ore 12:18
Messaggio originale di Lamkin:
Hmm…I don’t see a bug with the first image.
And in the second image, does that goat in the light not turn into a chair? Or maybe you just took that screenshot a second before it does?

I’m not sure how to give you a hint here without spoiling the puzzle.
lol, time to wake up!
That goat on picture is a GOAT which standing in LIGHT, in the middle of area of both pictures while other goat, also standing in light, on the left and shes correctly turned into chair by light. Also on other picture i came into light right to that GOAT when shes eating the grass and ignores everything, notice shes not attacking and i can walk throug her. :) I thought its obvious for everyone, I was wrong again.

Any hint better than spend another hours in front of this screen. :DE_Monada:
Ultima modifica da CZ / SK; 5 lug 2023, ore 12:38
Oof, you’re right about the first image. Have no idea how I’d missed that, other than to say that yes, I actually had just woken up and was a bit sleepy still. :D
Second image is a bug too, then. Are you able to reproduce the two bugs each time? (If it’s not able to be consistently reproduced, I’m not sure how it would be fixed.)
It works just sometimes, but i believe the key is movement of goats. I made it for third time, after few tries.

And meanwhille I found similar glitch. Check this.
Similar problem as i tried to trigger. This happened when i used remote and one of goats was partialy in the light. Difference is that shes not eating this time, but she stuck in kicking animation, keep kicking back and again i can walk through her, when light turned off shes still kicking, but shes reacting when i come closer and start to run away as usual.
Ultima modifica da CZ / SK; 5 lug 2023, ore 13:49
Yikes. Interesting. Lots of issues with that scene, it seems. :/ Thanks for the detailed reports.
I had this bug also.
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