Total Tank Simulator

Total Tank Simulator

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James505Games 8 fev. 2022 às 6:05
Total Tank Simulator - Content Creators’ House Rules
Hey everyone!

We’ve had an influx of creators reach out and ask for our advice regarding creating content for Total Tank Simulator - which is AWESOME!

It’s fantastic to see so many like-minded creators jump at the chance to mod the game, upload and engage with the Steam Workshop and (like me) love to jump in front of a camera to tell you about their experiences - honestly, it’s inspiring PLEASE KEEP IT UP!

So, to help, we’ve put together some House Rules for creating content. Whether it’s a video or an Instagram post, we’re hoping that these key points help to point you in the right direction.

Be Genuine and Honest.
People like to watch creators that they vibe with and relate to. Certainly from our experience, people can also read the creator well, so be honest and fair.

Understanding Terms of Service and Attribution.
This one seems obvious but can lead to issues if not understood correctly. Each platform will have its own terms of service - a legal contract of dos and dont’s. Please make sure you take the time to read them and keep up to date with any changes that might arise.

This nicely leads to Attribution (copyright).
Attribution, in copyright law, is the act of crediting (acknowledging) the person who holds the copyright (usually the creator) of a piece of work. In short, when featuring other creators’ work within your content, please credit them. It’s a great thing to do and also helps to expose other audiences to your content.

Be Involved in the Community.
Get involved and share your love with the Community, but please don’t spam or only post new videos/content. It’s not cool.

Using our Tools.
We recently updated the location of our modding tools and guides, here: We want you to create with us and what better way than by giving you a peek behind the scenes and showing you what you can do, whether you’re a beginner or have been modding for years.

Obviously, this list isn’t definitive and there are lots of great creators out there that can offer some brilliant advice. But, these are 3 fundamental House Rules that we look for when wanting to work with a creator, and that we wish you all to adapt to.

Thanks for reading and happy creating.

- James (Brand Community Manager, 505 Games)