Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

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Life after Wilds
Do you think this game will die after Wilds release? It's been a while since i played this game and im switching to a console. What do you think will happen after the release ? Depending on the answer i wanna buy the game+ dlc
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Showing 1-15 of 30 comments
ashhhh2 5 Jan @ 11:41am 
i doubt it will completely die but the player count will definitely go down
depents i know rise did wel in the beginning till end sunbreak now almost none plays it anymore from as far as i know . but depents how good wilds is that people stay there or not
monster hunter world: january 2018
icebourne: september 2019
monster hunter wilds: february 2025
dlc: october 2026?

wilds: presale: 70 bucks, on release probably 60
world with DLC on sale: 10 bucks

=> i dont think world will die down, it sounds like the much better purchase for people that played neither (like me).
also world has seemingly no bugs and runs very well, while looking quite similar in terms of graphics.


also regarding community, wilds will be Elden ring all over again.
trolls vs white knights. Gatekeepers vs exploiters. fanboys vs humans.
Last edited by cybercybercybercyber4; 5 Jan @ 1:19pm
KeziA 5 Jan @ 2:04pm 
I still play 3u, 4u, Genu. it doesn't matter who's playing it with me, I still love the games for what they are, in all their little ways. Player pop only concerns neurotic people
FuyuNoSora 5 Jan @ 2:32pm 
Immediately after Wilds will release, not a single human being on earth will play MHW. The game will die and will be a forgoten relic of the past. Even the YT videos and guides will disappear.
Last edited by FuyuNoSora; 5 Jan @ 2:33pm
Unlikely. Some still stuck way back playing MH4U to MHFU as far as I heard. Declining? Sure. Becoming dead game? Not right off the bat know, Capcom pull The Crew move on us...
Zelph 5 Jan @ 5:23pm 
No, monster hunter isn't like call of duty or other multiplayer games. People play them years later. I still know people who play GU a bunch, who go back and player 3U and 4U, let alone FU and the first game sometimes. World isn't going anywhere.
People will typically keep playing their favorite MH title even after a new one comes out.
I still occasionally play MH3U and tri, Tho id play 3U more often if it had MP support again
Nythus 6 Jan @ 9:12am 
Well after wilds MH fans will have 3 PC MH games to choose from, and each with a different flavor to it. Not everyone will have the specs to run Wilds at launch so maybe they'll choose Rise or Worlds instead as a starting point to get hooked on the franchise. So no, even if population goes down I doubt that we'll get to the point that nobody is playing the game, because is a MH game.
As this question has been asked before;

Between DRM, performance issues and how much actual content wilds has, World will keep players and then, likely, when content dries up people will migrate back to their preferred game of choice, until more's added over the months.

At this point I just hope Capcom doesn't decide to ax world's servers because it's 'the oldest'. I don't care how good or bad Wilds is, I don't want to see this game butchered.
Originally posted by Orca:
Do you think this game will die after Wilds release? It's been a while since i played this game and im switching to a console. What do you think will happen after the release ? Depending on the answer i wanna buy the game+ dlc
i dont think it will die hell people still play MH GU like crazy ! and in my opionion worlds is the best entry including wilds ! wilds they have tried to change the combat too much and lost a lot of what made the games grreat!
DaBa 6 Jan @ 3:32pm 
Nope. Just like with every other MH game, it will retain a playerbase for a while. Wilds isn't replacing World or Rise, I don't understand why people think like this. This isn't some MMO or a competitive multiplayer game where everybody moves on and plays the newest version.

Each MH game is different and provides a unique experience that will make you come back to it if you want to experience it again. People STILL come back to GU or even older MH games to get their fill. And having seen and played a bit of Wilds I can tell you for a fact that plenty of people will be going back to World and Rise after or even while playing Wilds. Because Wilds will do some things VERY different. Even the combat itself feels extremely different from anything we've had thus far. I'm personally a bit worried with the direction it's going in (more with some weapons than others), but that's a different can of worms... Well, as long as it remains it's own thing and does't signify any drastic shift in design philosophy it'll all be good long term.
Last edited by DaBa; 6 Jan @ 3:35pm
There definitely be lots of 3000 word essays on the forums about how World is better or whatever
JPM岩 7 Jan @ 9:26am 
No. World will never die and probably be the most populated MH game for many years. The devs know they wont hit those sales numbers again, and arent going to try to hit them.
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