World Of Robots

World Of Robots

maxell86qld 15 Dec, 2024 @ 4:38am
Mark 2 weapons, components and robots
For **** sake. COMPLAINT

If the owner / developer must bring out MK2 (mark 2) weapons, components and robots. Then the company should limit those players to their own matches. Due to the fact a standard team and players have low chance of winning overall.

Just when you get enough time to upgrade your robots, components and robots. No one can scratch a MK2 Russian robot fully upgraded. Yet those players can take you down quickly in 1 -2 seconds. Thus is back to not playing this game again. MK2 flame thrower(s) with shields. No chance. MK1 robots with speed or shields flame throwers do some damage.

However said that, we also take down newbies quickly with level 6-8 weapons. But least they have the chance to take cover. But December newbies will quickly ditch this game, as we are about to ditch this game again. We are starting to see more matches with 1-2 players and players recognise KILL clan, MACH clan and leave.
Last edited by maxell86qld; 2 Jan @ 7:41am
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Update, even level 8 or greater are no match.
MK2 robots have too much speed (hunter) and at level 8 hunter, our level 8 guns barely scratch those player robots. Then have have the speed to take cover, but are happy to deal damage and hide, repeat until your dead. We get this tactic is battle field tactics, but its not fair play when they use their MK2 robots in the spawn area.

Of course the developer SGS does not read Steam forums much. This is for players to be aware. Do not buy in to this game. You will easy spend 300-400 USD just to get half way to what the SU/KILL/MACH players have in majority of their team. We estimate $600-900 USD has to be spent on this game to match the MK2 players.

Can't handle the heat in the kitchen. Huh? Your team members barely work together (its all about me attitude and behaviours) TEAMS MUST STICK TOGETHER to win, be effective and this is rear. Then invisible robot players pick you off as the team separates. Of course a team should not be in easy others way, its a easy target for EMP's. We mean close enough to support each other. But the last 140-200 hours of game play in the holidays 2024/25 we have seen its all about me. Beware co-op games, cross platform games do not mean the team members will support you.
Look at team members, do they rush to the first capture point, ignoring their slower players also want that first cash injection. Most times these are the players who let you down as they barely support your team.
With the healing rays, we have seen players still back away to hide even though they are full health or been repaired.

We have seen KILL/SU clan using MK2 robots to spawn kill. It is disgusting and disappointing to see. Because the so called top players do it, newbies and anyone in between do it, monkey see, monkey do.

While this hide for terminator (was 8 seconds reload, now 9 seconds) weapons to reload then come out from hiding on your teams side, is not enough for MK1 Russian robots to walk away as other team members are waiting hiding. BEWARE this. And invisible robots coming over to your team side. Because your team members are facing the other side not looking around to see what is occurring at the team spawn area to get easy kills behind enemy lines.

In summary, even the players who have spent a house loan deposit on this game still get taken out, it just takes 2-3 regular robots.
Another update FFS.

The spotting is terrible, its not from the drones. We check players profiles. How come this game shows us been spotted all the freaking for sessions. FFS. We are behind cover, walking to the next capture point. Incomes homing missiles, top mount homing missiles. Is it invisible players. Nope.

The game has bugs, ongoing bugs, showing your robot is spotted for nearly the entirely of the match game session. Then players shot through so called hills/ structures and your taking damage. HuH? oh its bugs in the game. For example we have seen too many players disapear behind a barricade, a wall, a hill. But when it comes to our gaming experience the RED SPOTTED CIRCLE IS MOSTLY on.
Then other players see other players shooting through walls, etc and copy and sometimes exploit this bug.

Since playing this game from March 2024 we have noticed this difference. How come we get targeted often. Then we see its the lag. The game doesn't reset/allow for this. We play against 20ms players, when ours is 120ms and this difference we think and know is the cause of the bugs/glitches/lies. PPC we had to stop using as it barely targets. Long range canons, medium range, the damage is not been taken. But our robots are receiving damage.
Players do not care, they see idle or glitching robots, RED IS DEAD.

If there was a hardcore mode, no spotting, then the real skill would be seen. We have seen too many times, the opposite team rushing over to find a single spotted robot.

There is a speed booster bug. It is upgraded to maximum of seven seconds. But reverts back to five. And we wonder the reason, do not ask why its WoR.
Last edited by maxell86qld; 2 Jan @ 2:18am
We are sick of the players with MK2 robots coming over to the spawn area looking for kills.
Those players are idiots. Then other players copy them.

Edit: If one or two players in the spawn area fire at us on the far edge while capturing. Then **** them we go over to kill them.
Last edited by maxell86qld; 2 Jan @ 7:39am
Furthermore, since MK2 robots, components and weapons came out.

Clan information
Kill clan currently has these boosters: level 5 armour, level 4 speed boost, level 5 damage.
Making it very difficult to track them. Let alone killing them.

SU clan currently has these boosters: level 7 armour, level 4 speed boost, level 7 damage and level 6 coins.
No wonder we can't scratch the MK2 robots or MK1.
We cant track the hunters with level 4 speed boost. Unless you catch them off guard with fire and EMP. SU Clan hog the clan wars, nearly making impossible to pick up clan cash.

Crew clan currently has these boosters: level 4 armour, level 4 speed boost, level 5 damage and level 2 coins

Do yourself a favour, if you see those clans in the play list. LEAVE
If you see the same map repeating. LEAVE
Over 12 player friends have not been spotted in the friends list since coming back.
That is a sign that they are sick and tired of the game been not balanced.

AGAIN. With the player levels. (before June 2024)
You are exposed to level 10,9,8,7 players.
Before that level 0-6 is mixed (from recall)

The developer / owner SGS should of made level 11 for MK2 robots and locked those players into their own battles.

Now we are observing / playing with level 0-6 in level 10,9,8,7 been mixed due to a low player count as we are sick and tired of the MK2 robots.
That said, is it fair for for the newbies on level 0-3 to be taken down in one second by our robots if we choose fire and emps. No, but it is their choice to confront us.

AGAIN. Those players with MK2 hunters and terminator weapons can not track and barely scatch those MK2 players. As they pop out of invisible mode, do damage, then quickly take cover while their weapon reloads. Then disappear.

Furthermore, invisible players could be tracked. But after the updates, the draw distance is shocking worse, mere metres grass, dead tree, rock textures, building textures, ground textures go from bland to sharp. We see sheer/blur at times when looking for invisible robot traces, their footprints, EMP, audible footsteps. BUT TOO BAD THEIR BEHIND YOU.

But nothing has changed. Many players / people have wrote to SGS (owner / developer on discord about the in-balance for years. His buy now window also appears while your in power save mode (instead of the bright background) while waiting for a game to start. We have noticed he has made sure his BUY NOW SPECIALS pop up in that mode this January. SGS does not put that in the public update notes.

In the three years, maybe two. Who's counting, we see only three maps, with one been played in majority, the worst open rectangle one.
Last edited by maxell86qld; 2 Jan @ 10:16am
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