Dota 2
My friend got smurf banned from troll reports is it possible to send ban appeal somewhere?
My friend Sora said he got reported by both team mates and enemies for smurfing. He showed me his "christmas present" which is a matchmaking ban until 2035 - i.e a perm ban

Is there a way to submit a review or complaint over this? Troll reporters should recieve the ban, not my friend. Getting innocent people perm banned is classic dota faction ofcourse, surely there's a way to send a ban appeal, do they listen and where does he send it?

Please help save my best friends christmas - rip Sora :steamsad:
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not really. I have never heard of a perma ban being reversed.
:D 21 hours ago 
Your friend did not get perma banned cus of a troll reported them
Last edited by :D; 21 hours ago
Your friend probably smurfed and well deserved. GTFO degens
he did receive the help. he was banned. he should be thankful if anything.
this place exists pretty much to make people miserable.
why else do you think we let russians mass-play this game like this?
My friend doesn't smurf.. He just plays very very well for an Archon. He only ever plays WD and Jakiro so ofcourse he's god tier with them. He serves in the army and comes home on breaks to play on his main account. He doesn't have time to be a no life smurf.
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