Zeus + Poseidon

Zeus + Poseidon

Cheats not working?
i want to activate the cheats ( to win a mission to be exact) but ctrl+alt+c brings up console and i input the win scenario cheat (Ambrosia) ;window says that cheats activated but nothing happens, i ve tried with first letter capital, all capitals, all small, etc but nothing seems to work. Anyone else having the same issue?
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Nope not having the same issue..... not a cheater though so idk lol
Frenjan 2 mart. 2017 la 18:12 
It takes a month. If you use Ambrosia nothing will happen until next month
Akechi 10 nov. 2017 la 9:52 
Delian Treasury initials are large
cheats were working now not, anyone that can help?
While it looks capitalized, it isn't. You must capitalize the first letter of each word of the cheat
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