Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops

. 10 月 26 日 下午 1:26
The disrespect to this franchise
They skipped an entire number, to create yet another stain they can never wipe away but for them, im sure it was a field day seeing all the clowns purchase a reskinned game and seeing how much money they made off the exact people causing the issues with the video game industry that they cry about.
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StylaX [EuWest] 10 月 26 日 下午 11:08 
Yeah,people just don't give a ♥♥♥♥ just buying everything,but 70% of popularion are like this,buying unnnecessary things,and everything. Human nature
They didn't really skip a number. CW is a BO game too and truth be told, the only reason why MW and BO exist at all anymore is marketing and nothing else. The MW reboot and BO continuation are both worthless to the CoD franchise. Their sole reason for existence is to market the games, as everyone knows MW and BO. That's also my guess why it's BO6 now and not "Cold Snore II" or something. Officially it's "Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War", except no one ever called it that, everyone just said "Cold War". So putting the number back in and removing any extra bit to the title is meant to make marketing easier and push it even further.
These games might as well be called "CoD: Phantom" and "CoD: High Alert" and it wouldn't have changed anything. They're generic games with generic gameplay and stories that can't be compared to what once was.
Also no, none of the people who buy these games "cry" about the current state of the industry. The majority of people who buy CoD now are children and people who fall for marketing. It's not someone who actually knows how rotten the industry is or why CoD is a bad franchise nowadays. CoD has been declining since 2013 and once we hit the BR era it was all over.
kripcision 10 月 28 日 下午 5:18 
cold war is black ops 5, and as far as im concerned its the best black ops to date.
kripcision 10 月 28 日 下午 5:21 
i would be fine to never buy another cod again, perfectly fine with just MW2019 and BOCW.
引用自 kripcision
cold war is black ops 5, and as far as im concerned its the best black ops to date.
hwpretorius 10 月 29 日 上午 10:06 
BOCW is aewsome
kripcision 11 月 1 日 上午 12:04 
引用自 kripcision
cold war is black ops 5, and as far as im concerned its the best black ops to date.
thats right throw bo6 in the garbage bin like you said. :liam_al:
引用自 kripcision
thats right throw bo6 in the garbage bin like you said. :liam_al:
im just pissed that i cant use any of my superxxsuicidalgerardslaykawaii skins
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