AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

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The guide and fix for controller problems (When the buttons aren't mapped to the actual buttons and when the camera stick isn't mapped to the right joystick) [XB1/XB360]
I've seen a few threads and ALREADY I can tell that some people here, including myself, had trouble when it came to mapping controller inputs to the game. First, let me address the problems you may also be having:

[Mapping is wrong!!]
You press A and it registers X; you press B and it registers A; you press X and it registers B-- and some of the buttons don't even map to the actual inputs!!

[The camera doesn't work!!]
That's because some of the inputs were incorrectly labeled; LT and RT aren't the only ways to more easily control your camera

[Game's stuck at 30FPS]
No idea how to fix- seems like the game just runs like this as far as I can tell- also you're coming to the wrong guide if you're looking for an FPS fix.

If you have any of the two problems at the very top of the list up above, then this guide can at least help you fix the input issue so it makes sense and you don't pull your hair out. If you're here to complain about the other problems that'd popped up, I'd suggest taking the complaints into a different or your own discussion.


The actual problem itself is a simple problem- the problem itself is so simple, it can feel asinine as to why you need to manually fix this problem yourself when it could've been fixed by the devs themselves.


Step 1: Go over to your steam application and turn it on so you'll be facing your Game Library.

Step 2: Find Akiba's Trip inside your Library's game list.

Step 3: Right-click Akiba's Trip and hover your mouse over to Manage, then Browse Local Files.

Step 4: Look for a file called gamepad; it should come up as a Configuration Settings file around 1kb worth of data in size.

Step 5: Double-click the gamepad file or right-click then open the file. This should open up a notepad file that has some gibberish text alongside some other ones.

Step 6: Look for two texts that read "; XBOX360" underneath the text boxes "[BUTTON]" and above "[STICK]"

Step 7: Analyse/Read both texts from both "XBOX360" texts. Notice how they're meant to be related to the button inputs for an Xbox controller? And notice how the top one has different numbers in comparison to the one underneath it? The problem you've been having wasn't due to wire/cable/USB issues, or driver issues (Unless those problems were part of it- I just know this was my and probably some of your main problems as well), but a dev- or whoever ported the game over's oversight with the game's mapping. Just to make the next step easier, expand the window enough so that you can see the whole string of code or both strings of code. If your screen can't see both strings of code simultaneously, then just open the text file a second time and have one on both sides of your screen.

Step 8: Can you now see the Top XBOX360 code and the Bottom XBO360 code? If so, this is where you begin to change some of the numbers- and don't worry, this won't do a thing other than fix your button mapping problems- it won't cause any problematic problems.

Anyways, you want your Top code to match the Bottom code. In summary:


Both codes should look like the one up above.

Step 9: Save the notepad

Step 10: Run the game and try remapping your controller buttons; it should now map A to A, B to B, X to X, etc. to etc.


The same problem happened to the joysticks as what happened to the buttons; they were set to the wrong numbers and are in the wrong places.


Step 1: Go over to your steam application and turn it on so you'll be facing your Game Library.

Step 2: Find Akiba's Trip inside your Library's game list.

Step 3: Right-click Akiba's Trip and hover your mouse over to Manage, then Browse Local Files.

Step 4: Look for a file called gamepad; it should come up as a Configuration Settings file around 1kb worth of data in size.

Step 5: Double-click the gamepad file or right-click then open the file. This should open up a notepad file that has some gibberish text alongside some other ones.

Step 6: Look for two texts that read "; XBOX360" underneath the text boxes "[BUTTON]" and "[STICK]"

Step 7: Set the numbers for the Top code to the ones that are on the bottom code; it should read:


Hope this guide helps you out; if this doesn't entirely fix things up, you may wanna look up at other guides such as "How to update my Xbox one controller's Driver" or some other thing I can't think up of that I don't wanna turn into a joke since I know how hard it was to actually find a guide for a problem not many people understand how to do or follow and sometimes come up with next to no proper answers with fixes or only solves part of the problems but not all of it.

This guide was made on Thursday 26th of March 2020/ 26/03/2020
Last edited by FujiwaraTakuya; 26 Mar, 2020 @ 2:20pm
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Miciso 13 Feb, 2024 @ 10:32am 
it didnt left button is EVERYTHING these devs are idiots.
i deleted the game fully even.
Gunny Q 31 May, 2024 @ 12:29am 
Which explains why I'm having issues with that darn CAKE mission, the button to stop fighting and get ready to run is not mapped for me
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