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I don't know if this is the right place, but can you tell us something about Aeromogul? I know you've worked hard on it, but do you think we could have early access this year? Or how is the project going?
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Eric.B  [developer] 12 Jan @ 9:39am 
I don't know if this is the right place,

Our forums are generally the best place for non-GC related topics. Though, it is not too lively right now.

but can you tell us something about Aeromogul?

It is an Airline management game on a new economics, graphics, and UI engine.

I know you've worked hard on it,

Actually, I have been bogged down working on GearCity: 2nd Gear as fundraising has done well, but the war in Ukraine has cut off my artist. The idea was to have 8:1 Art to Programming ratio, and I ended up with a 0:1 Art to Programming ratio. That said, I recently paused the FBS for several months to focus solely on AeroMogul, since it's my next serious paycheck.

but do you think we could have early access this year?

No. The public release of the game is still 4-6 years away. I probably won't be doing Steam Early Access, but contributors to the GearCity FBS will have some access to the betas when I need testing and feedback. Similar to how I had a GC Open Beta between 2013 to 2018. I expect to have some sort of fully playable alpha gameplay loop for them this year.
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