Making History: The Great War

Making History: The Great War

Menu mistakes
I'll edit this post with new errors.

Am Frieden (diplomatic relations)
    German Im Frieden -> The correct German word. Am Frieden doesn't exist.
Access Handelsverträge (diplomatic relations)
    German Handelszugang -> The correct German word. So I think, because thats the only logical for me.
nicht ausgerichtete (diplomatic relations - no allies)
    German keine vorhanden -> The correct German word. "Nicht ausgerichtete" sounds bad.


Recruitment-Facility (city-infra)
    German Rekrutierungseinrichtung -> The correct German word.

Recruitment-Center (city-infra)
    German Rekrutierungszentrum -> The correct German word.

Recruitment Order (city-infra)
    German Rekrutierungsauftrag -> The correct German word.

Transit Order (city-infra)
    German Transitauftrag -> The correct German word.

City Status (city-infra)
    German Stadtstatus (or Stadt-Status) -> The correct German word.

Factory MPUs (city-status)
    German Fabrik MPUs -> The correct German word.

MPU - means Manpower - don't know, If you want that to translate - the correct German word will be Arbeitskräfte

Total Maintenance (city-status)
    German Gesamterhaltung -> thats the 1:1 translation, but it sounds bad. Good is Instandhaltung or Instandhaltungskosten.

Steel Mill (Factory)
    German Stahlwerk -> The correct German word.

RecearchCenter (Factory)
    German Forschungszentrum -> The correct German word.

Factory Order (Factory)
    German Fabrikauftrag (or Fabrik-Auftrag) -> The correct German word.

    German Ausstoß -> The correct German word.

Vorräte Verbraucht (stock consume) (Factory)
    German Sounds ok. I know what you mean. But better is Vorratsverbauch or if you want two words Vorrat Verbrauch (without a t)

    German untätig -> The correct German word.

Motorworks (factory)
    German Autowerke (or Auto-Werke) -> The correct German word.

Eisenworks (factory)
    German Eisenwerke (or Eisen-Werke) -> The correct German word.

Demolish Structure (factory)
    German Struktur zerstören -> The correct German word.

Aircraft Hanger (factory)
    German Flugzeughangar(or Flugzeug-Hangar) -> The correct German word.

Starre Luftschiff (aircraft hanger)
    German Starrluftschiff (or Starr-Luftschiff) -> That sounds better.

Beobachtung Ballone (aircraft hanger)
    German Beobachtungsballon -> The correct German word.

Marine Supplies (shipyard)
    German Marinenachschub (or Marine-Nachschub) -> The correct German word.

Küste U-Boot (shipyard)
    German Küsten-U-Boot -> Sounds better.

Großen Truppentransporter (shipyard)
    German Großer Truppentransporter -> "r" for "n"

Händler Raider (shipyard)
    German Handelsstörer -> That was the correct word in the 1st WW.

Feld-Artillerie- (metalworks)
    German Feld-Artillerie -> There is a "-" too much. ;-)


Niedrige Eisenbahn Dichte (regio infra)
    German Niedrige Eisenbahndichte (or Niedrige Eisenbahn-Dichte) -> The correct German word. The same with "Mittlere..." etc. There have to be a "-" between Eisenbahn and Dichte or written together.

Technology Bonus (regio infra)
    German Technologiebonus (or Technologie-Bonus) -> The correct German word.

# Regions pro Rund (regio infra)
    German Regionen pro Runde -> The correct German word.

Terrain Modifier (regio infra)
    German Geländemodifikator (or Gelände-Modifikator) -> The correct German word.

Eisenbahn-Bewegung-Effekte (regio infra)
    German Eisenbahnbewegungseffekte (or Eisenbahn-Bewegungseffekte) -> The correct German word. There have to be a "s" after Bewegung and with the s, they can't seperate to Effekte.

Deutsch Empire (government)
    German Deutsches Reich -> The correct German word.

Global Status (government)
    German Globaler Status -> The correct German word.

Leader of ... (government)
    German Oberhaupt (or Führer, Anführer) -> The correct German word. A "Oberhaupt vom LAND" will work with the most states. There are problems with states beginning with an A,E,I,O,U - that have to be "Oberhaupt von LAND" (you see, a "n" for a "m")

National Tech Level (government)
    German Nationales Forschungslevel -> The correct German word.

Success Rate (government)
    German Erfolgsrate -> The correct German word.

Gespannte (government - diplomatic relations)
    German gespannt -> Without "e".

Available Projects (government)
    German Verfügbare Projekte -> The correct German word.

Lebensmittel Canning Prozess (government - projects)
    German Lebensmittelkonservierungsprozess (or Lebensmittel-Konservierungsprozess) -> The correct German word.

Schwere Waffe Rüstung (government - projects)
    German Schwere Waffenrüstung (or Schwere Waffen-Rüstung) -> The correct German word.

Industrial Capacity (government)
    German Industriekapazität (or Industrie-Kapazität) -> The correct German word.

Government Support (government)
    German Regierungsunterstützung -> The correct German word.

Militärischen Vorbereitung (government)
    German Militärische Vorbereitung -> The correct German word. (without "n")

National Ideology (government)
    German Nationale Ideologie -> The correct German word.

Steuerr (empire)
    German Steuer -> There is a "r" too much.

Program Name (government programs)
    German Programmname (or Programm-Name) -> The correct German word.

Support (government programs)
    German Unterstützung -> The correct German word.

Faction (government programs)
    German Fraktion -> The correct German word.

Edit (government programs)
    German ändern -> The correct German word.

Ol (oil)
    German Öl -> With a "Ö"

Runden-Ubersicht (game screen - right button-list)
    German Runden-Übersicht -> With a "Ü"

Diplomatic Maps (game screen - filter-button)
    German Diplomatiekarten (or Diplomatie-Karten) -> With a "Ü"

Cut Diplomatic Ties (diplomatic screen)
    German Diplomatische Beziehungen beenden -> The correct German word.

Propose Military Access Treaty (diplomatic screen)
    German Militärzugang vorschlagen -> The correct German word. I don't translate treaty in this case, because that sounds bad in German. -- (Militärzugangsvertrag vorschlagen)

Propose Trade Access Treaty (diplomatic screen)
    German Handelszugang vorschlagen -> The correct German word. I don't translate treaty in this case, because that sounds bad in German. -- (Handelszugangsvertrag vorschlagen)

Propose Financial Aid Agreement (diplomatic screen)
    German Finanzhilfeabkommen vorschlagen (or Finanz-Hilfe-Abkommen vorschlagen) -> The correct German word.

Buy Influence (diplomatic screen)
    German Einfluss kaufen -> The correct German word.

Fund Political Faction (diplomatic screen)
    German Politische Fraktion finanzieren -> The correct German word.

Production And Stockpiles (stockpile screen)
    German Produktion und Vorrat -> The correct German word.

Diplomatic Influence (diplomatic influence screen)
    German Diplomatischer Einfluss -> The correct German word.

Influence Meter (diplomatic influence screen)
    German Einflusszähler (or Einfluss-Zähler) -> The correct German word.

Foreigne Influence(diplomatic influence screen)
    German Ausländischer Einfluss (or Fremder Einfluss) -> The correct German word.

Government Policy (government screen - government Policy)
    German Regierungspolitik -> The correct German word.

There are some problems with the lenght of the words. Some words are interrupted or are not fully displayed. See this at "Regionale Infrastruktur" with Lebensmittelpro(duktion) and "Eingeschlossen Landwi(rtschaft)".
Отредактировано Clausewitz; 21 мая. 2014 г. в 8:35
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Автор сообщения: Clausewitz
I'll edit this post with new errors. Also, I will hold everything in an Excel spreadsheet. In between, I'll send this to the techsupport.

Am Frieden (diplomatic relations)
    German Im Frieden -> The correct German word. Am Frieden doesn't exist.
Access Handelsverträge (diplomatic relations)
    German Handelszugang -> The correct German word. So I think, because thats the only logical for me.
nicht ausgerichtete (diplomatic relations - no allies)
    German keine vorhanden -> The correct German word. "Nicht ausgerichtete" sounds bad.

Got it - fixed.
Great! That's fast!

I edit the first post.
Отредактировано Clausewitz; 20 мая. 2014 г. в 8:59
Awesome - got the new ones through Field Artillery.

I think, I have the most things of the menu and tabs (no research etc, because I don't know all).

I edit the first post!

"Eingeschlossen Landwirtschaft" (regio infra) - I don't know, what it is really in German. I think, that is translated from "included agriculture". But a "eingeschlossen Landwirtschaft" doesn't exist in Germany. What do you mean with included agriculte?

Отредактировано Clausewitz; 21 мая. 2014 г. в 11:14
OK - done through Foreign Influence.
Diplomatic Maps (game screen - filter-button)
German Diplomatiekarten (or Diplomatie-Karten) -> With a "Ü"

Is see, the explanation is wrong. Hope, you are not confused. It should be "The correct German word."

Автор сообщения: boogsarah
OK - done through Foreign Influence.
You forgot: ?

Government Policy (government screen - government Policy)
German Regierungspolitik -> The correct German word.

Отредактировано Clausewitz; 21 мая. 2014 г. в 11:40
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