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Full of bots doing DG T1 and T2
Please do something about this you start a dungeon and you have at least two bots that dont ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ know what to do.
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You are living on cloud 9. I haven't seen a single ♥♥♥ since launch period.
Diposting pertama kali oleh LeeTheLeek:
You are living on cloud 9. I haven't seen a single ♥♥♥ since launch period.
You must not be paying attention lol . Its very rare in t1 and t2 maybe this guy is thinking people are when they arent cause a lot of people refuse to type.
But yeah bots are quite obvious if you play the game and venture into certain parts. But you do have to pay attention to the tells. Overall its really hard to tell if they are doing anything but I rarely ever get bots on my team. Most of them are fishing or doing events or killing random trash.
Terakhir diedit oleh Flaak; 24 Des @ 4:08pm
Diposting pertama kali oleh LeeTheLeek:
You are living on cloud 9. I haven't seen a single ♥♥♥ since launch period.
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