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How do character traits effect coop exactly?
Like a brotato with the trait"-50% material gain" and stuff like this? Will this also effect player 2-4 if they do the kill/collect the material and stuff? There should be a lot more examples of traits and also items, where my friends and me were kinda unsure about, but i just cant name them all.

Is there like a good way someone could elaborate or was there a post by the dev's about it? We just often unsure if we counter/influence other characters.
Its often not a 100% clear.

Thanks a lot.
Last edited by Legendanny; 16 hours ago
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It doesn't matter who picks up the materials or who kills the enemies. So based on that, stuff like "material gained" will only affect the player that has that stat. But stuff like "material dropped" will affect the material dropped for everyone. You kinda have to go by logic a bit.

Because of that, playing certain characters in co-op is a massive hindrance to everyone else, but on the flip side there are other characters that are a massive help for everyone else.
Last edited by DarkLeviathan8; 9 hours ago
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