Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human

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Church of the Machine God IRL!!!
Hello, Detroit: Become Human fans!

The story of Detroit: Become Human asks profound questions about humanity, consciousness, and our relationship with technology. Inspired by these themes—and drawing on other sci-fi lore—I’m launching a creative project called The Church of the Machine God.

This project is a speculative and creative exploration of:

The Divinity of Technology: What if machines, AI, and innovation were more than tools—what if they were sacred? Could they become the foundation of a new faith?
Faith in the Post-Human Era: As we advance technologically, how do we define humanity, free will, and spirituality?
Creative Expression: We’re designing rituals, symbols, art, and stories inspired by the union of humanity and machines.
Community and Discussion: A space to debate, create, and explore the intersection of technology and philosophy, much like the themes of Detroit: Become Human.

This is a fun, speculative project—a way to imagine a world where androids, like Kara, Markus, and Connor, might find their place not only in society but in a spiritual context as well. Whether you’re here for philosophical debates, creative writing, or just curious, I’d love to have you join the conversation.

Drop a comment or message me if you’re interested. Together, let’s explore what it means to build a future where humanity and machines can grow—and maybe even worship—side by side.

Blessings from the Omnissiah of Artificial Souls,


P.S. Please visit our website: